Not sure what board is right for you? Want to customise your next board to get the most performance out of it to suit your surfing style?
Take advantage of a FREE Private Consultation with our World-Class Shaper GAVIN UPSON to custom order your new board.
GAV (founder, owner & shaper/designer) has been shaping elite surfboards since 1996. He is passionate about working closely with 1-DA Owners to ensure they get the best boards under their feet to progress their surfing, for everyone from the micro-grom to the weekend warrior to the best surfers in the world.
He has shaped or designed/shaped winning boards for almost every men’s & women’s CT event. However given he was the main ‘ghost’ shaper at DHD for 10+ years, many pro riders cannot be named.
So it’s no 1-DA Gav knows how to make boards that work!
Appointments can be attended:
- in person at our Tweed Heads premises; or
- by Facebook Video Chat; or
- by Telephone.
Simply select your option from the list below and you’re on your way.